"Today - this day - will achieve what no tomorrow will fail to speak about. I will lay siege to the gods and shake up the world." - Seneca, Medea, 423-425
Who I am…
Stoic and Buddhist (Rinzai Zen) philosophy have been integral to my daily practice. Woodworking and playing the piano and cello are ways I further integrate this world view into my daily life.
Liberals I meet think I’m a liberal. Conservatives I meet think I’m a conservative. (Spoiler Alert: I’m a Political Atheist.) I manage this balance because I ask way more questions than I answer. That way, I always learning something new, even if my conversation partner doesn’t.
Also, most people I meet don’t follow this newsletter. ;) Most of what passes for “important” topics today aren’t, in my view, worth creating or maintaining an adversarial relationship with my fellow travelers.
What I know…
Undergraduate degrees in both Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Masters degree in Online Teaching and Education
40+ years experience designing and writing software
20 years experience practicing Agile in a variety of functional areas
15 years experience coaching Agile principles and practices
Prior certifications in:
SAFe 5 Program Consultant
Product Ownership
Scrum Master
3rd Degree Black Belt in Aikido
Why I write...
To clarify my thinking
To test my thinking in the Crucible of Life
To pass along what little wisdom I have to offer
If you have any questions, need anything clarified, or have something else on your mind, please use the comments section or email me directly.