How to Know You Have a Well Defined Minimum Viable Product
Conceptually, the idea of a minimum viable product (MVP) is easy to grasp. Early in a project, it's a deliverable that reflects some semblance to the final product such that it's barely able to stand on it's own without lots of hand-holding and explanation for the customer's benefit. In short, it's terrible, buggy, and unstable. By design, MVPs lack features that may eventually prove to be essential to the final product. And we deliberately show the MVP to the customer!
We do this because the MVP is the engine that turns the build-measure-learn feedback loop. The key here is the "learn" phase. The essential features to the final product are often unclear or even unknown early in a project. Furthermore, they are largely undefinable or unknowable without multiple iterations through the build-measure-learn feedback cycle with the customer early in the process.
So early MVPs aren't very good. They're also not very expensive. This, too, is by design because an MVP's very raison d'ĂȘtre is to test the assumptions we make early on in a project. They are low budget experiments that follow from a simple strategy:
State the good faith assumptions about what the customer wants and needs.
Describe the tests the MVP will satisfy that are capable of measuring the MVP's impact on the stated assumptions.
Build an MVP that tests the assumptions.
Evaluate the results.
If the assumptions are not stated and the tests are vague, the MVP will fail to achieve it's purpose and will likely result in wasted effort.
The "product" in "minimum viable product" can be almost anything: a partial or early design flow, a wireframe, a collection of simulated email exchanges, the outline to a user guide, a static screen mock-up, a shell of screen panels with placeholder text that can nonetheless be navigated - anything that can be placed in front of a customer for feedback qualifies as an MVP. In other words, a sprint can contain multiple MVPs depending on the functional groups involved with the sprint and the maturity of the project. As the project progresses, the individual functional group MVPs will begin to integrate and converge on larger and more refined MVPs, each gaining in stability and quality.
MVPs are not an end unto themselves. They are tangible evidence of the development process in action. The practice of iteratively developing MVPs helps develop to skill of rapid evaluation and learning among product owners and agile delivery team members. A buggy, unstable, ugly, bloated, or poorly worded MVP is only a problem if it's put forward as the final product. The driving goal behind iterative MVPs is not perfection, rather it is to support the process of learning what needs to be developed for the optimal solution that solves the customer's problems.
"Unlike a prototype or concept test, an MVP is designed not just to answer product design or technical questions. Its goal is to test fundamental business hypotheses." - Eric Ries, The Lean Startup
So how might product owners and Agile teams begin to get a handle on defining an MVP? There are several questions the product owner and team can ask of themselves, in light of the product backlog, that may help guide their focus and decisions. (Use of the following term "stakeholders" can mean company executives or external customers.)
Identify the likely set of stakeholders who will be attending the sprint review. What will these stakeholders need to see so that they can offer valuable feedback? What does the team need to show in order to spark the most valuable feedback from the stakeholders?
What expectations have been set for the stakeholders?
Is the distinction clear between what the stakeholders want vs what they need?
Is the distinction clear between high and low value? Is the design cart before the value horse?
What are the top two features or functions the stakeholders will be expecting to see? What value - to the stakeholders - will these features or functions deliver?
Will the identified features or functions provide long term value or do they risk generating significant rework down the road?
Are the identified features or functions leveraging code, content, or UI/UX reuse?
Recognizing an MVP - Less is More
Since an MVP can be almost anything, it is perhaps easier to begin any conversation about MVPs by touching on the elements missing from an MVP.
An MVP is not a quality product. Using any generally accepted definition of "quality" in the marketplace, an MVP will fail on all accounts. Well, on most accounts. The key is to consider relative quality. At the beginning of a sprint, the standards of quality for an MVP are framed by the sprint goals and objectives. If it meets those goals, the team has successfully created a quality MVP. If measured against the external marketplace or the quality expectations of the customer, the MVP will almost assuredly fail inspection.
Your MVPs will probably be ugly, especially at first. They will be missing features. They will be unstable. Build them anyway. Put them in front of the customer for feedback. Learn. And move on to the next MVP. Progressively, they will begin to converge on the final product that is of high quality in the eyes of the customer. MVPs are the stepping stones that get you across the development stream and to the other side where all is sunny, beautiful, and stable. (For more information on avoiding the trap of presupposing what a customer means by quality and value, see "The Value of 'Good Enough'...for Now")
An MVP is not permanent. Agile teams should expect to throw away several, maybe even many, MVPs on their way to the final product. If they aren't, then it is probable they are not learning what they need to about what the customer actually wants. In this respect, waste can be a good, even important thing. The driving purpose of the MVP is to rapidly develop the team's understanding of what the customer needs, the problems they are expecting to have solved, and the level of quality necessary to satisfy each of these goals.
MVPs are not the truth. They are experiments meant to get the team to the truth. By virtue of their low-quality, low-cost nature, MVPs quickly shake out the attributes to the solution the customer cares about and wants. The solid empirical foundation they provide is orders of magnitude more valuable to the Agile team than any amount of speculative strategy planning or theoretical posturing.
Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash