Autopilot Agile
There is a story about a bunch of corporate employees that have been working together for so long they've cataloged and numbered all the jokes they've told (and re-told) over the years. Eventually, no one need actually tell the joke. Someone simply yells out something like "Number Nine!" and everyone laughs in reply.
As Agile methodologies and practices become ubiquitous in the business world and jump more and more functional domain gaps, I'm seeing this type of cataloging and rote behavior emerge. Frameworks become reinforced structures. Practices become policies. "Daily Scrum" becomes code for "status meeting." "Sprint Review" becomes code for "bigger status meeting." Eventually, everyone is going through the motions and all that was Agile has drained from the project.
When you see this happening on any of your teams, start introducing small bits of randomness and pattern interruptions. In fact, do this anyway as a preventative measure.
One day a week, instead of the usual daily scrum drill (Yesterday. Today. In the way.), have each team member answer the question "Why are you working on what today?" Or have each team member talk about what someone else on the team is working on.
Deliberately change the order in which team members "have the mic" during stand-ups.
Hold a sprint prospective. What are the specific things the team will be doing to further their success? What blockers or impediments can they foresee in the next sprint? Who will be dependent on what work to be completed by when?
Set aside story points or time estimates for several sprints. I guarantee the world won't end. (And if it does, well, we've got bigger problems than my failed guarantee.) How did that impact performance? What was the impact on morale?
During a backlog refinement session, run the larger story cards through the 5 Whys. Begin with "Why are we doing this work?" This invariably ends up in smaller cards and additions to the backlog.
There's no end to the small changes that can be introduced on the spur of the moment to shake things up just a bit without upsetting things a lot. The goal is to keep people in a mindset of fluidity, adaptability, and re-calibration to the goal.
It's more than a little ironic and somewhat funny to see autopilot-type behavior emerge in the name of Agile. But if you really want funny...Number Seven!
Image by Ronald Plett from Pixabay